Monday, May 11, 2009

Wesak Day post update..

Wesak Day Eve..preparations for auspicious day..

Unique & beautiful view...the hill is fully light up with auspicious lamp by devotees..88 steps ..start from the ground up to the the peak of the hill is fully light up with auspicious lamp.
(Pemandangan Wat Deva Raja Banphot bermandikan cahaya...88 anak tangga menuju ke puncak bukit..penuh dengan lampu minyak sumbu dalam gelas kaca)

Wat Deva Raja Banphot had prepared 1,000 holy strings for devotees coming to this temple for Wesak Day celebration.

(1,000 benang kuning untuk penganut agama Buddha yang datang untuk hari Wesak)

Wat Deva Raja Banphot had prepared pack of holy rice to be given out to devotees on Wesak day
(Beras untuk semua yang inginkan keberkatan dan dimurahkan rezeki)

Preparation for Bathing Buddha ..

(Persiapan untuk mandi Buddha)

Preparation for auspicious light..
(Pesta lampu telah bermula..)

The main shrine is fully light up with candles and incense sticks..

(Lilin dan gaharu penyeri ruang..)

Phra Sumetho (Chao Boy) is ready to welcome all devotees to Wat Deva Raja Banphot..

(Selamat Datang semua...kecil tapak tangan..halaman wat kami tadahkan)

Wesak Day celebration starts..
Phra Sumetho (Chao Boy) is sprinkling holy water for devotees on Wesak Day.
(Mohon bikkhu(sami) memberi keberkatan semoga dimurahkan rezeki dan sihat selalu)

Devotees from all over the place came to Wat Deva Raja picture.. a devotee had requested Phra Sumetho(Chao Boy) to give blessings for his big bulk of amulets collections.
(Seorang 'devotee' meminta Chao Boy memberi berkat untuk koleksi replika buddha beliau)

Devotees are lining up to give donations to temple on Wesak Day morning..
(Ramai pengunjung yang ikhlas menderma untuk wat..semoga semuanya mendapat keberkatan)

Smiling faces...devotees are happy after making donations to the temple...sadhu 3x..
(Sinar bahagia dan kegembiraan jelas terpancar selepas ikhlas menderma)

Ready for Bathing Buddha...
(Persediaan untuk upacara mandi buddha)

This small devotee..age 5 only and asking Chao Boy to tie holy string for him on his own..
( 'Devotee' cilik meminta Chao Boy mengikat benang kuning..anak siapa ni?)

Opening ceremonies for Bathing Buddha..
(Upacara mandi Buddha sudah bermula..)

Devotees queuing up for Bathing Buddha...
(Ramai yang sedang beratur menunggu giliran untuk mandi Buddha)

Even though have to climb 88 steps to the peak of Wat Deva Raja Banphot ...this loyal Indian devotee and his family at last manage to reach the top of the hill..never give up!!!!
(Penat!...akhirnya keluarga dari masyarakat India ini berjaya memanjat 88 anak tangga tiba di puncak Wat Deva Raja Banphot).

Bird release ceremony...see video below for full can see many devotees wearing white...they are the Meditation Group..the group 'Ther Sin'(meditate) on Wesak update will be on the Meditation Group activities and zoom in to see what they do on Wesak Day celebration..
(Upacara melepas burung sedang bermula...sila lihat video di bawah untuk upacara sepenuhnya..dalam gambar anda dapat lihat ahli2 "Meditation Group" berpakaian serba putih..selepas ini ikuti aktiviti bergambar mereka dalam lampiran berikutnya)

Bird Release Ceremony Video..
(Rakaman upacara melepaskan burung sempena hari Wesak)